Unleash seamless productivity

365 Outlook Integration and LEAP

Link your 365 Outlook account with LEAP to unlock the benefits of task allocation, AI-powered time recording and online invoicing, and take advantage of all your important Microsoft tools and apps from within LEAP.

Women looking at iPad while smiling

Link your Microsoft 365 account with LEAP

In order to integrate your 365 Outlook account with LEAP, you first need to link the Microsoft Office tenancy with LEAP. This can only be done and approved by your Microsoft 365 administrator. If this is not you, please contact your IT professional or office administrator in order to get the correct credentials.

Once you have these credentials, navigate to:

LEAP Menu > Settings > Application Settings > Integrations > Email Accounts

  1. If you’ve not integrated the email account yet, you will need to select ‘Link’

  2. Your IT professional should have your email domain name available for you

  3. Once this is entered in, select ‘Activate’

Once the above is complete, click here to fill out a simple form that will help us carry out the rest of your update.

Man smiling and looking down at laptop

Make the most of LEAP and 365 Outlook

LEAP’s seamless 365 Outlook integration means that you can enjoy enhanced flexibility and transparency when allocating tasks among your team members.

There are two steps involved to get started with the 365 Outlook integration:

  1. Link your Microsoft 365 account with LEAP, as above.

  2. Once you have linked your Microsoft 365 account with LEAP, fill out a simple form so that we can carry out the rest of your update.

Women smiling and looking at iPad

Quickly re-allocate tasks to other fee earners

Being able to make changes to appointments and tasks owned by other users at your firm is particularly useful for when:

  • A fee earner leaves your firm and you need to access their events, tasks, and appointments so that you can move them, delete them or reassign them accordingly.

  • A client calls your reception and wishes to reschedule an appointment with one of your fee earners. Thanks to the 365 Outlook integration, your office manager can directly update the appointment details within LEAP and the fee earner will receive an update in Outlook notifying them of changes to the appointment.

Online Invoicing made easy

Online invoicing provides your firm with greater clarity and value, enabling your firm to get paid faster. When you share an online invoice via LawConnect, the invoice is delivered to clients in an email from your own work email account instead of noreply@lawconnect.com.au.

Personalise the LawConnect experience

Personalise your client’s LawConnect experience by linking your MSO365 account with LEAP. With the 365 Outlook integration, your client’s can securely share, view, comment, and sign documents online with the added benefit of having all your firm’s details visible.

Additional functionality in the LEAP Mobile App

Link your MSO365 account with LEAP to enjoy additional functionality in the LEAP Mobile App. The 365 Outlook integration allows you to create new appointments, meetings and tasks from the mobile app, set up an email signature, and view upcoming appointments and tasks without having to open the app itself.